What Is an Aquaponics System and How Is It Different From a Hyroponics System?

When we think of growing plants most of us think of a garden in our backyard or a farmers field.The plants are grown in soil and fertilizer is used to add nutrients to the soil to help them grow better. Another type of farming is called hydroculture. Hydroculture involves growing plants in water. The roots of the plants get their nutrients from the water. Two types of hydoculture are hydoponics and aquaponics. To understand the difference between a hyroponics system and an aquaponics system we first must understand want each system is.In a hydroponics system the plants are grown in water where the plant roots receive their nutrients. The nutrients for the plants must be added as there is no source of nutrients created in the system itself. The amount and type of nutrients can be controlled in this system depending on the variety of plants you are growing. This is a closed system with regards to the water, as it is reused. Because this a closed system no nutrient waste is put into the surrounding environment as in traditional agriculture.A hydroponics system generally produces a higher yield and can be implemented where it is not possible to grow crops in the ground. However the cost of nutrients and fertilizer to support the growth of the crops in this system is high. This is because the production of the necessary nutrients and fertilizers requires a large amount of energy.The aquaponics system also grows plants in water where the plant roots get there nutrients. However the aquaponics system used two systems. It combines a hydroponic system with an aquaculture system (fish and other water animals). The effleunts or waste produced by the fish accumulates and eventually makes the water to toxic. The water is therefore sent to the water in which the plants are growing. The plants in the hydroponic system filter out the toxic by-products and use them as nutrients. The clean water is led back into the aquaculture system. In this system the plants receive there nutrients from the fish and is a closed system. This reduces the cost of fertilization substantially when compared to a stand-alone hydroponics system.Both systems reuse the water and thus reduce the need for water when compared to plants grown in the ground. Because plants grown in an aquaponics system get there nutrients from an aquaculture system, not as much expensive fertilizer needs to be introduced into the hyroponics part of the system. However the aquatic animals which provide the nutrients do require food.Deciding which system you choose to use to grow plant requires understanding how both systems work. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Either way you will get a higher yield of crop and generally have less impact on the environment.Best Regards